隐私 & 安全

We respect your privacy and work hard to safeguard your accounts and information.


当你在网上进行交易和管理你的账户时,你应该安心. 当涉及到隐私和安全问题时,Arbor Financial致力于为密歇根州和任何地方的所有成员做正确的事情.


艾柏金融信用社致力于为您提供卓越的金融产品和服务. We are equally committed to protecting your privacy. We maintain the highest level of confidentiality concerning your financial affairs. 另外, 我们已采取适当措施,确保网上资料受到保护,以确保资料的传送和接收安全.

You can be confident that your financial privacy is a priority of this credit union.


儿童在线隐私保护法(COPPA)于1998年10月由国会通过, 要求联邦贸易委员会(FTC)发布和执行有关儿童在线隐私的规定. 该法案和规则的主要目标是让父母能够控制从他们的孩子网上收集的信息. Arbor Financial Credit Union does not knowingly collect, 我们的网站也不会在未经父母同意的情况下使用13岁以下儿童的个人信息.


To provide better service and a more effective web site, 信用合作社可能会使用cookies作为我们与您的互联网浏览器互动的一部分. A cookie is a small text file placed on your hard drive by our web page server. A cookie cannot retrieve any other data from your hard drive, pass on computer viruses or capture your email address. Cookies are commonly used on web sites and do not harm your system.

We may use cookies in places where you may need to register, 例如网上加拿大28软件, or where you are able to customize the information you see. 在这些点上记录cookie使您的在线体验更轻松,更个性化. 我们也可以使用cookie来识别我们的会员访问我们网站的哪些部分,以便我们可以继续提供有关我们的会员表现出兴趣的产品和服务的信息. 这些cookie可能收集个人身份信息,我们可能将通过cookie收集的信息与其他个人信息相结合,以确定您是谁或您的电子邮件地址. By configuring your preferences or options in your Internet browser, you can control if and how a cookie will be accepted. 点击这里 to view how to update and clear your cookies from the Google Account Help Centre.


Arbor金融信用合作社在其网站上提供了几个与第三方供应商的链接,希望提供快速方便地访问与您的金融需求相关的信息. Please keep in mind the following statements when accessing third party vendors:

  • The member is leaving the credit union's website
  • The member is linking to an alternate website not operated by the credit union
  • The credit union is not responsible for the content of the alternate website
  • 信用合作社既不代表第三方也不代表会员进行交易
  • 隐私 and security policies may differ from those practiced by the credit union


确保本公司通过电子邮件发送给您的私人信息的保密性,并遵守所有隐私和监管标准, we are implementing a new email encryption service through Zix Corporation, 电子邮件加密服务的领导者.

ZixCorp's easy-to-use email protection makes it seamless for you to receive, read and reply to all encrypted email communication we send you. If you are a ZixCorp customer, you do not need to do anything. 电子邮件在我们的组织之间安全地发送,并直接发送到您的收件箱. 如果您目前不是ZixCorp的客户, you receive confidential email through the Secure Message Center.

保密通信的保护对我们很重要,我们希望确保您的信息保密. This site helps you understand our encrypted email initiatives.


Many websites and apps use Google services to improve their content. 当他们整合谷歌的服务时,这些网站和应用程序与谷歌共享信息. We use 谷歌分析 to better understand how our users visit and use our site. 谷歌分析收集您访问网站之日分配给您的IP地址,不会共享您的姓名或任何其他识别信息. 我们不会将通过谷歌分析收集的信息与个人身份信息相结合. 您可以在“Google如何使用来自使用我们服务的网站或应用程序的信息”中查看有关Google分析如何收集和处理数据以及如何控制发送给Google的信息的更多信息 谷歌.com/policies/privacy/partners/.


Arbor金融卡控制服务 does not collect, 传输, 或使用地理位置信息用于卡控制移动应用程序的功能,如欺诈卡使用预防或警报.



Our app collects and uses the following types of personal and sensitive user data:

  1. 个人信息:
    • 用户帐户详细信息(例如.g.,姓名,联系信息,标识符).
    • 通信数据e.g.、消息、评论、使用数据).
  2. 敏感信息:
    • 财务数据
    • 位置数据(如适用.g.,用于基于位置的功能).
    • 诊断


We share personal and sensitive user data with the following parties:

  1. 第三方服务:
    • 有关详细信息,请参阅上面的部分
  2. 法律和合规要求:
    • We may share data with law enforcement agencies, 监管机构, or legal authorities if required by law or to protect our rights.



  1. 加密:
    • 我们的应用程序和服务器之间传输的数据使用行业标准协议进行加密.
  2. 访问控制:
    • Only authorized personnel have access to user data.
    • Role-based access controls limit data access based on job responsibilities.
  3. 数据最小化:
    • We collect and retain only the data necessary for app functionality.
    • 未使用或过时的数据被及时删除.


Our data retention and deletion policy is as follows:

  1. 停留时间:
    • 我们保留用户数据的期限为提供我们的服务所需的时间或法律要求的时间.
    • Specific retention periods vary based on data type (e.g.、交易纪录、帐户详情).
  2. 删除过程:
    • 你可以向开发者(Arbor Financial Credit Union)提交请求,删除你的账户和相关数据.
    • Upon account deletion, we will begin securely erasing user data from our servers. This may take some time, but it will be deleted as promptly as possible 


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, 请通过hello@arborfcu与我们的团队联系.org.