Build up your savings, save on your loans.

What do you want to accomplish? 无论你是为了达到一个特定的目标而存钱,还是准备买一件大的东西, 阿伯金融在这里帮助会员和他们的家庭在整个密歇根州. Our rates are first rate.


couple and dog on bench
woman smiling

Loan Rates

Get financing for the things you want.

Auto Loans

利用我们的贷款利率结构购买大宗商品, refinance an existing loan to save, to get a credit card and more.

Apply Online

Year Term APR as low as*
2024-2023 (up to 100% LTV Max) Up to 36 months 6.49%
37 - 48 months 6.74%
49 - 60 months 6.99%
61 - 72 months (Call for details) 7.24%
73 - 84 months (Call for details) 8.49%
85 - 96 Months (Call for details)** 9.74%
2022-2017 (up to 100% LTV Max) Up to 36 months 6.74%
37 - 48 months 6.99%
49 - 60 months 7.24%
61 - 72 months (Call for details) 7.49%
73 - 84 months (Call for details) 8.74%
85 - 96 months (Call for details)** 9.99%
2016 and older Call for Rates

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR). 所披露的利率是可用的最低利率,并由您的信用评分和申请时的贷款价值决定. Rates subject to change.

**最长车龄不超过两年的借款人可获85至96个月的贷款期限, with a minimum loan amount of $45,000, and with qualifying credit. Call for details.​

Deposit Rates

成功的根源在于Arbor Financial可靠的储蓄率.

Savings Rates

Name Minimum Balance APY*
Primary Savings** $5 0.05%
Volt Banking Savings Account*** $5 - $1,000 3.00%
Volt Banking Savings Account*** $1,000.01 or more 0.05%
Explorer's Club Savings*** $5 0.05%
IRA Savings Account up to $24,999.99 0.30%
IRA Savings Account $25,000 - $99,999.99 0.40%
IRA Savings Account $100,000 or more 0.60%
Special Savings $5 0.05%
Premier Savings1 $0-14.999.99 1.50%
Premier Savings1 $15,000 or more 3.00%

* Arbor Financial Credit Union储蓄计划的年度百分比收益率(APYs)按每日余额法计算. 对于储蓄账户,股息是复利的,每季度支付一次. 股息率和年利率可能在董事会决定的任何时间发生变化. APY shown is accurate as of April 1, 2024.

** Balances of $100.00 or more earn a dividend. A minimum balance of $5.00 is required to maintain membership. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account.

*** A minimum balance of $5.00 is required to maintain membership. View Fee Schedule.

1. 按日余额法计算的年利率. Dividends are compounded and paid quarterly. APY is variable and may change at any time. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. APY shown is accurate as of March 1, 2024. One Premier Savings account per member.